Acne Treatment Answers
Acne is a serious problem that plagues men and women of all ages regardless of cleanliness or personal hygiene. In fact, over 25% of all adult men and 50% of adult women have struggled with adult acne at some time in their adult lives. There are so many over the counter acne treatment products, yet none of them truly get past the surface. There are acne prescriptions that can have harsh unwanted side effects and should be considered a last resort. The majority of the readily available solutions focus on cleaning pores and once again they fail to get the job done. That’s where Portland Beauty Spa goes to work for you!
We Effectively Treat ALL Acne Problems:
- Mild, Moderate, Severe & Cystic Acne Treatments
- Blackheads, Whiteheads & Pimple Treatments
- Sensitive Skin Acne Treatments
- Back Acne Treatments
- Acne Scar Treatments
- Body, Arm & Chest Acne Treatments
- Acne Skin Discoloration Treatments
Acne Fighting Experience & Technology Matter
Our Portland Beauty Spa skin experts have literally traveled the world with many certifications in Europe and the United States. This extensive acne fighting experience means that we have the skills and customized techniques that will clear up your complexion and restore your natural glow. We utilize the latest technology from across the globe and we are the only acne treatment beauty spa in Portland with the technology, experience and knowledge to stop your acne in it’s tracks, preventing it from returning and removing all traces of your former acne problems. From light therapy, galvanic, microcurrent treatment, crystal free diamond head microdermabrasion to high-frequency bacteria sterilization, the Soin Purete acne treatment, blackhead removing facial peels, and cosmeceutical solutions. We have the best proven acne treatment solutions in the world! Contact us today if you are ready to win the fight against acne!
- Anti-Aging
- Laser Face Lift
- Peeling Facials
- Corrective